Datsun India presented the Indian women's cricket team Vice Captain, Harmanpreet Kaur a redi-GO hatchback to honor her performance at the recent ICC Women's Championship 2017. Harmanpreet Kaur played an unbeaten knock scoring 171 runs against Australia, taking India to the finals. Kaur said, "This will make it easier for me to move around for training".
The keys for the new Datsun redi-GO were handed to Kaur by Jerome Saigot, Vice President, Datsun India. Saigot said Datsun was working hard to help fuel the ambitions of India's young achievers and risers. Nissan entered an eight-year deal with ICC and will also be the global sponsor for all of cricket's international tournaments including the ICC World Cup, ICC World Twenty20 and the Under 19 Cup.
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