The much awaited Honor View 10 has been launched in India and the 6+128GB variant has been priced at Rs 29,999. The phone had been launched around the globe in December and now has reached the Indian shores and can be bought exclusively from Amazon.
Termed as the 'most intelligent smartphone', the Honor View 10 gets an AI powered by the homegrown Kirin 970 SoC and can adapt to how the user uses his/her phone. The AI capabilities seep into the camera section as well and the phone can detect the object and scenes in your frame and then adjust the camera to the best possible settings to give your great lifelike pictures. The phone comes packed with 6GB of ram combined with 128GB of internal storage which you can expand by using a microSD card of up to 256GB. The octa-core processor has been coupled with the Mali G72 12-core GPU and will provide for a smooth gameplay experience in some of the most demanding titles. The battery capacity stands at 3750mAh and you get a 9V 2A quick charger along with the phone. You can buy the Honor View 10 in two colour options - Navy blue and Midnight Black.
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