HyperX, a division of Kingston Technology, has launched two new mechanical keyboards aimed at competitive gaming, the Alloy Elite and the Alloy FPS Pro. The HyperX Alloy Elite has been priced at Rs 11,000 while the Alloy FPS Pro has been priced at Rs 7,499. Both keyboards feature Cherry MX switches with a 4mm travel, lighting effects, 100pc anti-ghosting and solid steel frame.
The HyperX Alloy Elite comes with a detachable palm rest, dedicated media buttons, a large volume wheel and quick access buttons for brightness, lighting effects, and game mode. It also includes a USB 2.0 pass through, titanium colored and textured WASD keys, and full N-Key rollover functionalities.
The HyperX Alloy FPS Pro on the other hand is a more compact solution due to the absence of a dedicated numeric keypad. It weighs 900g compared to the Alloy Elite which weighs 1467g and gets 6 LED modes and 5 brightness levels..
Both these new gaming keyboards are now exclusively available on Amazon.in for a month and thereafter will be available on major Indian online and retails stores.
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