HyperX has launched their first ever gaming mouse, the PulseFire FPS Gaming Mouse in India for Rs 3,999. The mouse has PixArt 3310 sensor and Omron switches which ensure precise tracking and quick response times. The PulsFire FPS can withstand 20 million clicks per switch.
Aimed at first-person shooting games, this mouse is the recipient of 2017 RED DOT Award for design quality and craftsmanship. It has been built to easily fit in your hand whether you prefer a palm grip or a claw grip. The PulseFire FPS comes with for DPI presets that range from 400 - 3200 DPI. These presets can be toggled with the touch of a single button. The mouse comes with a 1.8m long flexible braided cable and weighs just 95 grams. The mouse can be bought exclusively through Amazon for the coming month, post which it will be available at all major online and retail stores across India.
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