ASUS launched two new flagship laptops in their 'Beyod the Edge' event held in New Delh today. One of them being the VivoBook S15 which has been priced at Rs 59,990 and will be available across all online and offline stores across India from October 1, 2017. The other laptop was the ZenBook UX430 which costs Rs 74,990 and is now available in all stores for purchase.
The ASUS VivoBook S15 is a laptop aimed at providing maximum mobility and comes with a 15.6-inch FullHD (1920X1080) NanoEdge display featuring a very slim 7.8mm bezel. The diplay gets a wide 178° viewing angle and there is a fingerprint scanner for extra security. The laptop is just 17.9mm thick and weighs in at 1.7 kgs. The metallic Icicle Gold finish on the S15 gives it a premium look and the overall appearance of the laptop is very attractive. It comes with an 8th Generation Intel Core i7 processor and packs in 16GB DDR4 RAM and Nvidia MX150 graphics. A 1TB HDD and a 128GB SSD take charge of storage duties and there is a USB Type-C port for connectivity. The laptop also comes with Bluetooth 4.2 and dual band 2x2 802.11ac Wi-Fi. The lithium-ion battery supports fast charging and can charge up to 60pc in 49 minutes. Once fully charged it can last for almost 8 hours.
The ASUS ZenBook UX430 is the thinnest ZenBook ever and weighs just 1.25 kgs. The 14-inch FullHD display features 7.18mm NanoEdge bezel as well and offers a 178° view with a matte non-reflective surface. The UX430 is powered by 8th Gen Intel Core i7 CPU and 16GB DDR4 RAM running at 2133MHz. You can get up to 512GB of storage and there is MX150 graphics as well. The battery on the laptop can last almost 9 hours.
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