Gigabyte had launched their GeForce GTX 1080 Miini ITX graphics card just a few days ago. Now we have confirmation that the space saving powerhouse is going to make its appearance in the Indian market as well. In a post on the Indian Facebook page of Aorus, the company announced that the card would be coming to India very soon and is the smallest GTX 1080 in the market. The ITX version is only 16.9cm long, which makes it 9.8cm shorter than the Founder's Edition. This is going to be great news for people with a small rig.
To cool the card, Gigabyte has mounted a single 90mm fan on top of the card and it also gets 3 copper heat pipes for temperature regulation. The fan also turns of when the workload is not much. The rated clock speed for the GPU range from a base speed of 1607MHz to a boost of 1771MHz while the 8GB GDDR5X memory is clocked at 10010MHz. Outupt options includ a Dual-link DVI-D, an HDMI and a DisplayPort 3. The card will require a minimum power supply of 500W and has support for 2-way SLI as well.
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