ASUS has announced the availability of their new ROG G701 gaming laptop in India for a price of Rs 3,49,990. Equipped with an ovreclokable GTX 1080 GPU, Intel Core i7 7820HK CPU and DDR4 RAM that can be overclocked to 2800MHz. All this hardware makes the G701 extremely capable when it comes to 4K UHD gaming and Virtual Reality.
The 17.3 inch display can be either obtained with an UHD (3840X2160) resolution and 60Hz refresh rate or with a FullHD (1920X1080) resolution and a super fast 120Hz refresh rate. The display also supports Nvidia's G-SYNC technology for eliminating screen tearing. The laptop can support up to 3 displays at a given time via the HDMI, Thunderbolt 3 and mini Display connectors.
The G701 sports the distinctive ROG design scheme and is very sleek despite the hardware inside. It is about 33mm thick and weighs in at about 4.1kgs. The Bio-Armor design comes dressed in Armor Titanium and Plasma Copper colour scheme. The asymmetric keyboard comes with anti-ghosting keys that can register up to 30 keys at once. Along with this there are dedicated macro buttons and even a dedicated key for recording your gameplay. There is also the ROG Gaming Center that let you tweak the various options and control the utilities provided on the laptop.
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