iBall has launched their new laptop Aer3 for a price of Rs 29,999. This new laptop comes sports a slender frame that is just 17mm thick and it weighs just 1.58kgs. It gets a full metal body and comes with a gold colour. The 13.3-inch 1920X1080 IPS display with 10 point multi-touch can be rotated to a full 360 degrees and hence allows for usage in 4 different modes including notebook, stand, tent and table.
Inside the laptop is a 2.5GHz Intel Pentium Quad Core CPU, 4GB RAM and 64GB in-built storage along with expandable slot up to 128GB via Micro SD Card, the laptop also allows M.2 SSD extension. For super fast data transfers there is a USB Type-C port. For enhanced security you get a fingerprint scanner as well. The laptop gets quad speakers that will help users enjoy their multimedia content. There is a 37Wh Li-polymer battery housed inside the laptop that can give up to 6 hours of video and 24 hours of audio playback against a charging time of 4 hours.
The laptop will be available across all leading stores in India for a best-buy price of Rs 29,999 and an MRP of Rs 34,999
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