Taiwanese manufacturer MSI, launched three new gaming laptops in India. The models include - GT75VR 7RF Titan Pro, GE73VR 7RF Raider and GE63VR 7RE Raider. What is unique about these laptops is that each of them gets per-key RGB lighting, which means that each key is lit individually and can be mapped to certain colour or behaviour. Another first is the display. All three of these gaming oriented laptops sport FHD (1920X1080) 120Hz displays. So you can enjoy those smooth framerates that the GPU inside is capable of churning out.
Cooling has also been given a lot of importance and all laptops get an extra heat pipe bringing the total count to 7 heat pipes on the raider laptops and 12 on the Titan Pro. With the Cooler Boost 5 technology and 4 vents to throw out the hot air, MSI is claiming to run at some very impressive temperatures. These laptops also get some really good speakers that are loud enough to negate the use of any external solution in most cases and the sound produced is of great quality as well. The Raider laptops even go so far as to dedicate 1/4th of the area to 2 pairs of speaker which include a bass woofer and a tweeter.
The big and bulky GT75VR 7RF Titan Pro comes at a price of Rs 3,49,990. This beefy machine comes powered by an Intel Core i7 7820HK, overclockable CPU, a GeForce GTX 1080 8GB GDDR5X and has 32GB of DDR4 RAM. You also get 512GB of NVMe storage and a 1TB SATA drive running at 7200rpm. The17.3 inch display on the GT75VR gets a super fast 3ms response time as well. You get a mechanical keyboard by Steelseries which feels very close to what you get on desktop keyboards. The Raider laptops also get mechanical switches but they don't feel nearly as good, but great to type on regardless.
The design of the two Raider laptops has been inspired by race cars, thus they are slim in their form factor and also possess sharp lines. Both the GE73 and the GE63 come with an Intel Core i7 7700HQ CPU, 16GB RAM, 256GB NVMe SSD and 1TB HDD. They look very much alike as well, except for the difference in the display size. The GE73VR which costs Rs 1,85,990 comes with a 17.3 inch panel while you get a 15.6 inch display on the GE63VR which costs Rs 1,49,990. Both these displays get a 5ms response time. Another radical difference between the Raider laptops comes in the form of the GPU used. The GE73VR get a GTX 1070 8GB GDDR5 graphics card while the GE63 gets a GTX 1060 6GB GDDR5 from Nvidia.
The GT75VR and GE73/63VR laptops can be bought from both online as well as offline stores as well and come with a 2 year warranty.
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