Acer has launched the Aspire VX15 and Predator G1 to their lineup of gaming oriented PCs along with updated versions of the Predator 15 & 17 laptops. Priced at Rs 87,999 the Acer Aspire VX15 is a laptop aimed to provide great gaming performance at a budget price and will be available through Acer stores and online shopping portal Flipkart. The Predator G1 on the other hand is to give pure performance and portability and will be available through Acer's Exclusive stores for a price of Rs 1,19,999. The Predator 15 and 17 start from Rs 1,59,999 and can be bought from Acer store, online portals and retail stores as well. The updated Predator 15 and 17 now come with the latest 7th gen processors from Intel and 10 series graphics cards from Nvidia.
The sharply designed Acer Aspire VX15 gets a Full HD (1920X1080) IPS display for a wide 170 degree viewing angle and is powered by Intel's latest Core i7 7700HQ CPU clocked at 2.8GHz. The graphics department is handled by an Nvidia GTX 1050 and there is 8GB of DDR4 RAM as well. You also get a 1TB HDD coupled with a super fast 128GB M.2 SSD. To keep the temperature in check there are dual fans. Dolby Audio and Acer True Harmony technologies provide for a rich audio experience.
Despite its compact size the Predator G1 packs quite a punch with an Intel Core i7 processor, an Nvidia GTX 1060 GPU with 6GB of VRAM. Additionally there is 16GB of DDR4 RAM and ample storage space with a 2TB hard drive and a 128GB SSD. The Predator G1 is for those who like to have a powerful PC yet want it to be portable like a laptop. This one is perfect for those who have regular LAN parties.
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