Zebronics has launched their second virtual reality headset, the ZEB-VR100, for Rs 1,499/-. The VR headset is compatible with mobiles with display sizes upto 6-inches and has 42mm lens which provide 102-degree field of view with a full 360-degree panoramic view. The ZEB-VR100 also comes with the ability to adjust the lens distance and pupil distance in order to provide greater flexibility in terms of usage for people who wear glasses. To add another level of comfort the VR headset comes with extra soft contact pads so that you do not feel uncomfortable even after long hours of usage. With the ZEB-VR100 one can enjoy an immersive experience while watching their favorite movies or playing games all the while keeping their hands free. The headset comes with a 1 year warranty and can be purchased from all leading stores across the nation.
Uno Minda Ltd., a leading Tier 1 supplier of Proprietary Automotive Solutions to Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), has launched India’s first GPT-enabled WTUNES-464DN-GPT Android Music System i...
Energizer and Assurance Intl Limited have collaborated on a new line of automotive oil that will be sourced, manufactured, and distributed in India to complement the existing STP product portfolio in ...
The Uno Minda D-90 horn has a two-year manufacturing warranty and is competitively priced between Rs 295 and Rs 855. It can be conveniently purchased from a variety of top-tier online and offline reta...