iBall has launched their new 4G VoLTE laptop, the Brisk 4G2 for an amazing price of Rs 8,999. The tablet sports a cobalt blue colour which contrasts well with the black front bezel. It packs a 7 inch 1280X720p screen and runs Android 6.0 Marshmallow.
There is a 1.0GHz 64-bit quad core processor under the hood coupled with Mali-T720 GPU. For seamless multitasking, 3GB of RAM has been provided as well. There is 16GB of internal storage which can be further increased by putting a microSD card of only upto 32GB. A very handy accessory included within the box of the iBall Brisk 4G2 tablet is the Y cable which lets you charge the tablet and connect it to another USB device at the same time. Speaking of charging, the Brisk 4G2 tablet comes with a 3500mAh battery. There is a 5MP camera at the rear and a 2MP camera at the front for taking pictures and shooting videos. The 5MP auto focus rear facing camera also packs an LED flash for better usage in low light conditions. Other features include WiFi, Bluetooth 4.0, GPS and USB OTG. The device also support 9 Indian regional languages for ease of use.
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