Mahindra & Mahindra has launched the CNG variant of its popular mini-truck Jeeto. Priced at Rs. 3.49 lakh (Ex-showroom, Delhi), Jeeto CNG aims to promote eco-friendly last mile transportation of goods and has been developed to cater to the evolving business needs of the transporters. The CNG Variant of the Jeeto will be available on the top end model of Jeeto X716.
The Jeeto CNG engine delivers 16 hp of peak power and a peak torque of 38 Nm at 1200 – 2000 rpm. This ensures good pick-up, acceleration and gradeability, allowing the Jeeto CNG to carry heavy loads even up the steepest slopes. Jeeto has the advantage of the best in class payload, higher deck size compared to competition, superior mileage, lower maintenance, and the promise of higher earning potential, making Jeeto the perfect vehicle for business needs. Mahindra has always proactively introduced several sustainable business solutions in the market and a few examples being technologies such as micro hybrid, fuel smart to name a few. It has also been a pioneer of electric vehicles in India.
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