Force Motors revealed India's first next gen shared mobility platform - project codenamed T1N in Pune, Maharashtra. The platform has been simultaneously designed and developed for both Internal Combustion Engines and 100% Electric Drive. The company spent more than Rs.1000 crore for this project. The vehicles that will be made on this platform will only be launched by the end of 2020. Details of pricing, etc will be announced around that time. T1N was revealed in the presence of Dr. Abhay Firodia, Chairman and Prasan Firodia, Managing Director, Force Motors, besides several company officials.
Around four years ago, the company started working on this project and T1N is the first vehicle in this segment in the country offering crash and rollover compliance with air bags for driver and co-driver, independent front suspension, large ventilated disk brakes on all four wheels with ABS, EBD, EDTC and ESP for passenger safety. T1N is powered by a new and more powerful BS6 compliant, Common Rail Diesel engine, offering peak torque of 350Nm. The platform will also offer BS6 CNG variant as also a class leading full electric version.
Speaking on the occasion, Prasan Firodia, Managing Director, Force Motors noted , “As segment leaders, we considered it our duty to offer our customers not just what they need but what they aspire for, and hence we set about developing this truly world class next generation platform packaging leading edge technologies in every aspect. We are confident our customers will welcome it.”
The T1N has been developed with global aspirations, it is design protected for plying in select markets of Middle East, Africa, ASEAN and South America. A dedicated and exclusive team of about 100 young specialist engineers and senior managers were selected for this project by the company.
The T1N platform has been designed with a 2-box construction keeping the engine fully outside ensuring least NVH in passenger compartment. For the first time in this segment independent front suspension with transverse parabolic springs has been offered, giving it best in class ride quality. T1N comes with many 'first in segment' features like signature day running LEDs, projector lamps and tail lamps with light guide technology.
The new platform is undergoing final validation and homologation processes. A new state of the art facility, with body shop with robotic and laser welding facilities is being set up at the Pithampur works. These vehicles would be showcased at the forthcoming Delhi Auto Expo 2020.
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