Pioneer India Electronics Pvt. Ltd has unveiled its new range of in-car products for 2016-17. Pioneer India Electronics, the first in-car entertainment systems company to launch Android Auto and Apple CarPlay for aftermarket in India, launched its latest touchscreen car stereo AVH-X8890BT as a part of its 2016-17 line-up. Priced at Rs. 39,990, AVH-X8890BT revolutionises the driver’s smartphone experience by bringing both Android Auto (for android phone users) and Apple CarPlay (for iPhone users) into a single car stereo. AVH-X8890BT gives its users the best of both the worlds. Android Auto and Apple CarPlay allow users to access their phones from the stereo’s Touchscreen and use apps in a safe way while driving.
The TS-R6951S speaker focuses especially on bass and comes with a fully covered Grill for protection from dust and other external elements. The newly introduced subwoofer TS-W306R features higher wattage with 350 RMS and higher durability with VoiceCoil Cooling System. Pioneer also introduced 3 new amplifiers. They come with higher wattage at an affordable price range of Rs 4,990 to Rs 8,990.
Uno Minda Ltd., a leading Tier 1 supplier of Proprietary Automotive Solutions to Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), has launched India’s first GPT-enabled WTUNES-464DN-GPT Android Music System i...
Energizer and Assurance Intl Limited have collaborated on a new line of automotive oil that will be sourced, manufactured, and distributed in India to complement the existing STP product portfolio in ...
The Uno Minda D-90 horn has a two-year manufacturing warranty and is competitively priced between Rs 295 and Rs 855. It can be conveniently purchased from a variety of top-tier online and offline reta...