Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd has launched the XUV500 SUV with new features and technologies. The new updates in the XUV500 include Android Auto, Connected Apps, Ecosense & Emergency Call functions. These new features will be available on the W6 variant of the XUV500 which is available for an ex-showroom price of Rs. 13.8 lakh.
Mahindra has also launched the XUV500 with a Lake-Side Brown colour with black interiors on the W10 variant. With Android Auto users will be able to seamlessly access calls, messages, navigation, music and Google search through an integration of their Android mobiles with the vehicles infotainment setup. The new XUV500 will also offer consumers Apps like Gaana, Cricket Live, Zomato, Book My Show and others on the infotainment system.
Mahindra has also incorporated Ecosense Technology which gives the driver an eco score out of 100 based on parameters like speed, gear selection, acceleration, idling, clutch override and aggressive braking. The aim of the feature is to aide drivers in being more fuel efficient and environment friendly. Mahindra has also added an emergency call function in the XUV500 which provides access to emergency services in the event of an untoward incident where the vehicles airbags get deployed. The feature automatically dials emergency services and also sends a text alert to 2 pre-set numbers through a prepaid mobile device.
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