Mahindra's upcoming TUV 500 has been doing the rounds in the news of late. It was yet again spotted testing under camouflage in Chennai. The TUV 500 will fall between the TUV 300 and Scorpio and should be priced in the Rs. 8-14 lakh bracket. Speculations around the TUV 500's power plant point out it may be powered by the either the 100hp 1.5L mHawk on the TUV 300 or share its engines with the Scorpio (1.9L & 2.2L Diesel).
The TUV 500 has been spotted on multiple occasions, the first being in September 2016. The most recent sighting of the TUV 500 test mule was of March 21, 2017 in Chennai. This is a good indication that Mahindra may soon be launching the TUV 500 by mid 2017 or towards the end of the year. With the Tata Hexa gaining popularity in the market, Mahindra will be eager to gain some lost market share. We expect the TUV 500 to be competitively priced and take on the likes of the Tata Hexa and the Innova Crysta.
In all probability the TUV 500 should get the same features as the TUV 300 along with additions like second & third row ac vents, automatic climate control, a double DIN multimedia infotainment with bluetooth, AUX and USB connectivity, reverse parking camera, ABS & EBD, steering mounted controls, cruise control, voice recognition and much more. The TUV 500 is expected to be an 8-seater with a 60:40 split folding rear seat as observed in the pictures above. The engine will be mated to a 5-speed manual transmission and may also get an automatic option at a later stage.
The TUV 500 will sport the same boxy design as the TUV 300 but with a longer wheelbase and a larger boot area. The TUV 300 was one of the more spacious options in the compact SUV segment and the TUV 500 can be expected to have class leading or rivaling cabin space. On offer could be redesigned alloy wheels and new LED DRLs with projector headlamps as well.
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