Renault India has launched the all-new Kwid Climber with 17 new styling and design cues, led by an all new electric blue colour with vibrant orange accents. The new Kwid Climber will be offered with the 1.0L SCe powertrain in both manual and AMT options. The Kwid Climber 1.0L SCe variant in manual transmission will be offered at an introductory price of Rs 4,30,376 Lakh (ex-Delhi) which is Rs 25,000 more than the Kwid RXT (O) 1.0L SCe. The Easy- R, AMT variant will be offered at an introductory price of Rs 4,60,376 (ex-Delhi), Rs 25,000 more than the Kwid RXT (O) 1.0L AMT version
The Kwid Climber features rugged bumper overrriders, front and rear terrain protectors with orange accents, two tone arching roof bars, muscular style wheels and a solid side profile with robust door protection cladding, two tone orange ORVMs painted in glossy orange. The ‘Climber’ Insignia on the front doors creates its unique identity.
The interior too boasts of several striking design elements like the new orange energy upholstery with “Climber” Insignia, new vibrant orange accents on the AC vents and on the centre fascia, a two tone orange gear knob and decorative orange door trim accents on the front and rear doors. Other styling elements include specific floor mats and a chunky steering wheel with “Climber” Insignia. The interior has been crafted with thoughtful design elements in order to complement the vehicle’s stylish exterior.
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