Jaguar Land Rover India has begun manufacturing the all-new Jaguar XF in India. The car will be priced at Rs 47.50 Lakh (ex-Delhi) onward. The all-new Jaguar XF will be available in a 2.0L (litre) Ingenium diesel engine with a power output of 177 hp and a 2.0 L (litre) petrol engine with a power output of 237hp.
The all-new XF comes with a slew of advanced technology features including InControl Touch Pro with the all-new 25.9 cm (10.2) touchscreen infotainment system and a Meridian Sound System.
The Jaguar range in India also includes F–TYPE (starting at Rs 125 Lakh in CBU form), locally manufactured XJ (starting at Rs 99.99 Lakh), all-new F-PACE (starting at Rs 68.40 Lakh), locally manufactured XF (starting at Rs 47.50) and the locally manufactured XE (starting at Rs 39.90 Lakh) and prices mentioned are ex–Delhi.
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