Volvo Auto India has launched the 2017 V40 and V40 Cross Country hatchbacks in India with the iconic 'Thor's Hammer' headlamp design. The company launched the D3 Kinetic variant of the V40 for a starting price of Rs. 25.49 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi) and the V40 Cross Country Momentum variant for Rs. 27.2 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi). Volvo also inaugurated a new 3S facility in Kochi, Kerala alongside the launch.
These hot hatchbacks from the Swedish auto major are powered by a sub 2 litre diesel engine which is capable of producing 150hp and 320Nm of torque. Volvo claims the diesel mill incorporates PM2.5 and PM10 emissions by almost 95pc and is extremely efficient. The engine has been mated to a 6-speed automatic transmission which delivers power to the front wheels. Both cars get Volvo's iconic Full-LED Thor’s Hammer headlamp cluster as well as a new waterfall design front grille. The interiors of the V40 comes with three different leather trims & 5 leather trims for the V40 Cross Country. Both cars also get a new set of alloy wheels.
Safety has been one of the priorities of Volvo from their inception. The V40 has received a 5 star rating in the Euro NCAP and features a pedestrian airbag, safety cage, 2-stage front airbags along with driver knee bag, pretensioners for front seats, Dynamic Stability and Traction Control, emergency brake assist, ABS, side impact protection as well as whiplash protection. The hatches also features Power Operated front seats with drivers memory, Personal Car Communicator with keyless entry & drive, Fixed panoramic sunroof, Bluetooth & USB enabled High Performance audio system, Gear Shift paddles, Park assist pilot + Park Assist, front & rear, Rear parking camera and City safety
Price (Ex-showroom, Delhi):
· V40 D3 R-Design - INR 28.53 Lakh
· V40 D3 Kinetic - INR 25.49 Lakh
· V40 CC D3 Inscription - INR 29.4 Lakh
· V40 CC T4 Momentum - INR 27.2 Lakh
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