The all-new Audi A4 was launched in the capital by the company’s Managing Director Joe King for Rs 38.1 lakh (for the Premium Plus grade) and Rs 41.2 lakh for the Technology grade. The car is powered by a 1.4 litre TFSI four cylinder engine with new 7 speed S tronic transmission. While 0 to 100kmph comes in just 8.5 seconds, the top speed is210kmph.It is 95 kg lighter than its predecessor due to adoption of intelligent material mix. Fuel average is around 17.84km per litre.
The new engine is in an in-line 4 cylinder format and puts out 150 horses from 5000-6000 rpm and 250 Newton meters of torque from 1500-3500 rpm.
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1395cc, in-line 4 cylinder, Turbocharged, Petrol
7-Speed, Dual clutch, Automatic
Turning Circle
11.6 meters
Front& Rear: Independent Wheel Suspension with Anti-Roll bar
Front/ Rear: Dual Circuit Disc with ABS & EBD
225/50 R17
Boot Space
480 Litres
Fuel Tank Capacity
54 Litres
Estimated Price
Rs. 38.10 lakh (ex showroom Delhi)
The A4 comes with four different driving modes -- Auto, Dynamic, Comfort and Individual. Dynamic modes juices the most out of the engine and renders premium performance. The transmission also comes with a 'coasting mode' which caters for free wheel rolling, hence improving efficiency. While Audi has reduced the size of the engine, they have also managed to shred 95kgs off this car. But that does not alter the looks at all, the new A4 still looks bold, broad and aggressive from almost every angle. The new A4 still does look rather similar to the outgoing model but on paying closer attention one can see the subtle differences.
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