Jaguar Land Rover India has launched the 2017 Model Year Jaguar XE in India with the introduction of a 3rd derivative called Prestige. This new derivative joins the Pure and Portfolio that were launched in February 2016. The new Prestige derivative is powered by a 2.0L petrol engine that delivers 197 bhp approx. and is priced at Rs 43.69 lakh (ex-mumbai, pre-octroi).
The Jaguar XE is now available in India in three derivatives as follows:
Jaguar XE 2.0L Petrol (147 KW) PURE at Rs 39.9 Lacs
Jaguar XE 2.0L Petrol (147kW) PRESTIGE at Rs 43.69 Lacs
Jaguar XE 2.0L Petrol (177kW) PORTFOLIO at Rs 47.99 Lacs
All prices are ex-showroom in Mumbai, at pre-octroi level.
The first of a new generation of cars to be launched on Jaguar’s all new Aluminum Intensive Architecture, the lightweight aluminum construction of the Jaguar XE creates a strong body. The deliberately cropped rear has a short overhang to underscore the car’s performance credentials and enhance airflow. It is all crowned by the high intensity LED tail lamps that are inspired by F-TYPE.
The all-new Jaguar XE comes with Advanced Driving technologies like Electric Powered Assisted Steering (EPAS) that offers outstanding feedback & control and All Surface Progress Control (ASPC) which is a low speed cruise control that helps cope with low traction situations. XE’s Torque Vectoring by Braking maximizes control through the tightest corners.
Beside these unique driving technologies, the all-new Jaguar XE is also packed with premium features such as InControl Touch which gives control over the car’s major functions including audio, climate control and navigation system. Also, the 380 W Meridian Sound System enhances the interior music experience to match the precise acoustics of the XE.
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