Maruti Suzuki India has launched the new Swift Glory edition on October 9, 2015. The new edition launched by Maruti before the beginning of the festive season will offer customers a host of features like a stylish floating roof, custom styling kit, racing themed interiors and striped body graphics.
The Swift Glory will be available with the Vxi and Vdi variants of the car and will boast of features like a Touch Screen Multimedia music system, Bluetooth connectivity, Swift Vibe EQ mode, Song Pal for Android, Siri eyes-free control for iPhone users, Reverse parking camera and sensors, sporty seat covers, steering covers, gear boot cover and floor mat. The car also features a stylish body kit with a roof spoiler and body graphics.
On the occasion of the launch R. S. Kalsi, Executive Director - Marketing & Sales, Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. said, “Swift Glory has been created to capture the spirit of sports in our everyday life. The racing themed premium seat covers, body graphics and floating roof make it look sporty. The trendy touch screen multimedia stereo and reverse parking sensor with camera make Swift Glory even more attractive. We are confident that customers will appreciate the special edition of Swift Glory.” The Swift was launched in May 2005 and the company has since then sold over 1.42 million units.
Source: Maruti Suzuki India
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