Volvo Auto India announced the launch of the petrol variant of V40 Cross Country in India. The V40 Cross Country diesel version was launched in launched in India in 2013. The new Cross Country petrol variant will be available in T4 Engine, 1.6 GDTi 4 Cylinder, 6 Speed Automatic transmission. The engine delivers 180 bhp and a peak 240Nm torque. The GTDi (Gasoline Turbocharged Direct Injection) engine offers low fuel consumption without compromising on performance or driving pleasure.
Priced at Rs. 27 lakh (Ex-showroom, Mumbai without Octroi) the Volvo V40 Cross Country will be retailed through Volvo dealerships across the country starting April 20, 2015. The new Volvo V40 Cross Country is a unique blend of capable ruggedness and expressive elegance up to a new altitude by establishing a Cross Country in the Premium C-segment.
Tomas Ernberg, Managing Director, Volvo Auto India said, "We are excited to bring the petrol variant of V40 Cross Country to India. Buoyed by the growing acceptance of V40 Cross Country since June 2013 when we launched it here, we have now decided to bring in the petrol variant at a very competitive pricing in order to increase our reach further. I believe our customers would be enthralled with this new car.”
Currently V40 Cross Country is the only car in India by Volvo Cars that is available in both the versions, in diesel and petrol.
The new GTDi engines have a compact format and are made entirely from die-cast aluminum, which gives low weight and good heat-dissipation capability. These are some of the requirements for good energy efficiency. The fuel injection system has been refined so that combustion can be regulated with extreme precision, each injector centrally above the piston beside the spark plug. This gives particularly uniform and finely atomised fuel distribution. In order to minimise petrol consumption and emissions, the fuel must be utilised as efficiently as possible.
The all-new Volvo V40 has received the top rating of five stars in the Euro NCAP collision test.
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