Maruti Suzuki India Limited launched their new Alto K10 at Rs. 3,06,000 Ex-showroom Delhi on November 3, 2014. The Alto K10 has been launched in four variants – LX, LXi, VXi and Vxi (O). The Vxi model is also available with an Auto Gear Shift (AGS) model which is available for a price of Rs. 3,80,187 ex-showroom Delhi. The LXi variant is also available in a CNG option for a price of Rs. 3, 81, 687 Ex-showroom Delhi.
The new Alto K10 has redesigned interiors and exteriors. On the inside the new K10 gets a piano finish stereo system featuring a CD, USB, AUX and Radio. The steering wheel gets new silver accents and the news Suzuki S logo in the centre. There is a new storage compartment in the centre console and a neat looking instrument cluster with an RPM meter. The interiors are dual tone black and beige and the centre console also comes with dual cup holders. The Vxi variant comes with front power windows which have been located on the centre floor console. The new Alto K10 has a redesigned dashboard and has an IP upper tray to store small items. There is a new bag hook feature under the glove box for hanging shopping and other bags, a new rear console bottle holder and the car also has internally adjustable ORVMs. The Alto K10 also comes with a driver side airbag, keyless entry and front fog lamps in the Vxi Optional package.
The new Alto K10 comes with the new K-Next 998cc K10B engine which produces 67.1bhp @ 6000rpm and churns out 90Nm of torque @ 3500rpm. The CNG variant on the other hand produces 58.2bhp @ 6000rpm and 78Nm of torque @ 3500rpm. The Alto K10 comes with a 5 speed manual transmission and an automatic transmission option. The suspension on the K10 is a gas filled McPherson Strut in the front and a 3-link rigid axle in the rear. Braking is facilitated by a front disc and a rear drum. The tyre size remains the same at 155/ 65 R13. The fuel tank capacity is 35 litres and the CNG variant gets an additional 60 litre tank giving a combined capacity of 95 litres. The claimed mileage figures for the manual and automatic Alto K10 is 24.07kmpl while the CNG variant returns 32.26 km to the kg. The new Alto K10 is available in 6 colours – Tango Orange, Cerulean Blue, Granite Grey, Fire Brick Red, Silky Silver and Superior White.
Ex-showroom Delhi Prices: Petrol LX – Rs. 3, 06, 000 / Petrol LXi – Rs. 3, 21, 687 / Petrol VXi – Rs. 3, 37, 750 / Petrol VXi (O) – Rs. 3, 56, 687 / Petrol Vxi (AGS) – Rs. 3, 80, 187 / CNG LXi – Rs. 3, 81, 687.
Kenichi Ayukawa, Managing Director & CEO said that the company decided to upgrade an already successful car with a full model change that makes Alto K10 taller, wider and roomier. “Meeting customer demand, the Alto K10 is 15 per cent more fuel efficient, delivering best in class 24.07 kmpl. Alto K10 is the third Maruti Suzuki car within few weeks where our suppliers and engineers have improved the fuel efficiency substantially. The Auto Gear Shift with impressive fuel efficiency is another big technology advantage,” he said.
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