Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. (M&M) has announced the successful completion of one year of its cheetah-inspired XUV500 model, with 35,000+ vehicles on Indian roads. Launched in end-September 2011, the XUV500 was designed entirely in-house at Mahindra’s R&D centre at Chennai. The company has already ramped up its production capacity to 5,000 units per month to meet rising demand. The All Wheel Drive (AWD) model of the XUV500 is now also available for bookings. Speaking on the one year anniversary of the XUV500, Pravin Shah, Chief Executive, Automotive Division, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. noted, “We have been overwhelmed by the enthusiastic response from customers to the XUV500 that has led to impressive sales of 35,000+ in just one year. This is a benchmark for sales among high-end SUVs, for which we would like to thank our esteemed customers.” The XUV500 has had one of the most overwhelming responses to a new car launch in recent times and continues to have bookings of 14,000+ vehicles as of end September 2012. The XUV500enjoys a market share of 60pc in the high-end SUV segment. Having received a phenomenal response in India, and also in Australia and South Africa, the XUV500 is poised to make its mark in Europe & other international markets.
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