Ford India has launched its compact sports utility vehicle EcoSport in India with prices starting at Rs 5.59 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi). The model will be available with three engine options of 1.0 litre petrol with EcoBoost technology, 1.5 litre petrol and 1.5 litre diesel engines. While the price of 1 litre EcoBoost petrol version start at Rs 7.89 lakh, the 1.5 litre petrol variant will be tagged at Rs 5.59 lakh. The EcoSport with 1.5 litre diesel’s price will be starting at Rs 6.69 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi) and the automatic transmission version in 1.5 litre petrol will start at Rs 8.44 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi). The Ford EcoSport will be sold in four trim levels i.e. Ambiente, Trend, Titanium and Titanium Plus and will be available in seven colours-Mars Red, Kinetic Blue, Moondust Silver, Panther Black, Sea Grey, Chill and Diamond White; and 38 accessories. Likely to be more than 80pc localised, the EcoSport will be pitted against Renault's best selling Duster SUV which is priced at a range of Rs 7.99 lakh to Rs 12.18 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi and the Mahindra Quanto, which is available at a price of Rs 5.99 lakh to Rs 7.75 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi). The vehicle will also be taking on sedans such as Maruti Suzuki DZire and premium hatchbacks such as Hyundai i20 and Volkswagen India Pvt. Ltd’s Polo. Ford India has, however, not divulged any sales or production targets of the compact sub-four metre length SUV for which it has invested US$ 142 million at its Chennai plant.
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