Mercedes-Benz India has rolled out the new E-Class luxury saloon from its manufacturing plant in Pune. The first locally produced new E-Class was rolled out from the assembly line by Eberhard Kern, Managing Director & CEO, Mercedes-Benz India. The E-Class is the best-selling luxury sedan in India with over 23,000 units sold till date. The new E-Class was launched on 25-June, 2013 at New Delhi and this marque has received an overwhelming response in the Indian market. With over 2000 new parts and components, the roll-out of the locally produced new E-Class within days of its national launch indicates the focus and commitment of Mercedes-Benz India in this high value segment. Eberhard Kern said “Our plant in Chakan, Pune is rated amongst the best assembly plants within the Daimler world. Similarly our paint shop is a technology benchmark and second to none. The locally produced new E-Class therefore, will deliver the highest benchmarks of quality, performance and stunning design and offer optimum value for our customers. We are committed to give the best value to our discerning customers and the roll-out of the new E-Class in India within few months of its global launch underscores our dedication and customer focus.”
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