Mahindra & Mahindra, announced the launch of the Thar Earth Edition at a starting price of Rs 15.40 lakh (ex showroom). The special edition is inspired by the infinite expanse of the Thar Desert and the ability of the Thar to allow one to explore it with ease. With a palette inspired by the desert geography, promoting a sense of oneness with the environment, it doesn't just symbolise adventure—it epitomises it.
The ex-showroom prices for the ‘Thar Earth Edition Are’ variants are:
Engine Type
Thar Earth Edition
(INR in Lakh)
The Thar Earth Edition builds upon the Mahindra Thar's legacy of adventure and exploration, aiming to captivate and expand the community of Thar enthusiasts. This special edition, with its unique satin matte 'Desert Fury' finish, is designed to make this iconic SUV more distinctive, with a promise to inspire a new wave of adventurers to embrace the 'Thar Life.'
Available in both diesel and petrol versions, with manual and automatic, the Earth Edition promises an exclusive 4x4 experience in the LX Hard Top Variant.
Exquisite Exterior and Interior Enhancements
Desert Fury satin matte finish instantly brings to mind the desert sand and its texture, with the metallic treatment very effectively capturing the ‘sand sparkle’. The dune-inspired decals on the doors and rear fender, the silver alloys and the matte black badges add to its uniqueness. The Earth Edition badge, proudly displayed on the B-pillars, signifies the special edition's exclusivity.
The interiors are just as inspiring, with a black coloured-base and light beige accents hinting at the forever shifting, floating nature of sand. The Thar earth edition offers beige leatherette seats featuring dune designs on the headrests. The cabin is further enhanced with Desert Fury inserts on the AC vents, steering wheel, center console accent and the Thar branding on doors. The theme is elevated with embellishments of dark chrome accents. Each of the Thar Earth Edition SUVs will come with a unique numbered decorative VIN plate starting with serial number 1.
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