Kia India, the country's premium carmaker, launched the new Seltos starting at a special introductory price of Rs 10,89,900 (Ex-showroom) pan-India. Unveiled earlier this month on July 4, 2023, the new Seltos SUV comes in 18 variants with top of the trim with ADAS– GT-line & X Line in both Diesel and Petrol engines, costing Rs 19,79,900 and Rs 19,99,900, ex-showroom pan-India, respectively. Last week, the new Seltos received an overwhelming response, recording the segment's highest day 1 booking of 13,424 units.
The new Seltos carries forward the Seltos brand legacy with sportier performance, muscular exterior, futuristic cabin, and sophisticated technology. Packed with 32 safety features, including 15 robust safety features (Standard across the range) and 17 ADAS Level 2 autonomous features, the new Seltos will provide a unique, safer and smarter drive experience.
The new Seltos leads the mid-SUV space with segment-leading features such as dual screen panoramic display with 26.04 cm fully digital cluster & 26.03 cm HD touchscreen navigation, dual zone fully automatic air conditioner, and R18 46.20 cm crystal cut glossy black alloy wheels. It also has much-awaited features like the dual pane panoramic sunroof and electric parking brake. It is also the most powerful innovation in the segment till now with the efficient Smartstream G1.5 T-GDi Petrol engine, which generates 160PS of power and 253 Nm of Torque. Available in three trim concepts – Tech Line, GT Line and X-Line & three engines and five transmission options, the Seltos offers Indian buyers a wide array of choices for new-age customers.
Commenting on the successful launch,Tae-Jin Park, Managing Director and CEO, Kia India, said, "Our commitment to setting industry benchmarks with innovative offerings at competitive prices has fuelled the growth of segments in the past, and the New Seltos will undoubtedly continue this trend. With advanced ADAS level 2, top-notch safety features, and innovative technology, we have created an inspiring vehicle that resonates with today's discerning new-age customers. Coupled with a wide range of variant choices, aggressive pricing, and a seamless ownership experience, the new Seltos is not only the smartest driving experience but also the best buy in the market."
The new Kia Seltos stands out with its captivating design, muscular stance, and futuristic styling cues. It reflects Kia's 'Opposites United' design philosophy and exudes an aura of sophistication that commands attention. The introduction of the India-exclusive Pewter Olive colour further enhances the SUV's appeal.
The new Kia Seltos boasts of the most evolved Level 2 Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) with 17 autonomous features, setting new benchmarks for safety. This revolutionary suite of innovative technology encompasses 1 camera and 3 radars for various intelligent features, including advanced Forward collision avoidance assist, lane keep assist, and smart cruise control with Stop & Go, ensuring the utmost safety for drivers and passengers alike. This avant-garde suite, along with the standard 15 safety features such as 6 airbags, HAC (Hill-Start Assist Control), ESC (Electronic Stability Control), and VSM (Vehicle Stability Management), make new Seltos one of the safest SUVs in the country.
Customers can book their variant of choice through the Kia India official website:, and via any of the authorised dealerships of Kia India by paying an initial booking amount of Rs 25,000.
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