General Motors India has launched the Chevrolet Spark Limited Edition at prices ranging from Rs 3.44 to 3.99 lakh (ex-showroom, New Delhi). The limited edition car comes with a host of additional features like a steering wheel cover, matching neck rests, ambient foot-well lighting and beige seat covers with red stripes. There are also an exterior chrome kit, carpet floor mats and outside rear view mirrors (OSRVM) with integrated turn signals. The car’s side body graphics come in a choice of two colors and Limited Edition badging.This Spark model will be available for a limited period of time. The car comes in a choice of seven colors. These include Summit White, Sandrift Gray, Misty Lake Metallic, Switchblade Silver, Velvet Red, Linen Beige and Caviar Black.The Spark is powered by a four-cylinder 1.0-liter petrol engine. The engine delivers a peak power of 62bhp @ 5,400rpm and a peak torque of 90.3NM @ 4,200rpm. The exterior of the Spark Limited Edition has the signature Chevrolet twin-port grille, clear lens “quotation” headlamps and chrome accents on the grille. The looks are further enhanced by sporty fog lamps with trendy bezels surrounded by chrome, and dual-tone front and rear bumpers.Not to forget is the “wing-inspired” instrument cluster of the car. This features a combination of analogue and digital displays. The 2,345-mm wheelbase car offers ample room for its occupants. The Spark Limited Edition also features several smart storage spaces.Around 51pc of the total weight of the body shell consists of high-strength steel – providing greater rigidity and stability. Well defined load paths with energy-absorbing profiles protect passengers in the event of a head-on or rear-end collision. Optimized links between the B-Pillar and sills provide side impact protection for the occupants. Since the B-Pillar is made of tailor-welded blanks with two steel sheets of different thicknesses, the chances of its intrusion into the passenger compartment is minimal in the event of a side impact.The Spark Limited Edition comes with a standard company warranty of three years/100,000 km. Further, it also comes with the standard three-year 24/7 Free Roadside Assistance Program.Arvind Saxena, President and Managing Director of GM India said that this stylish, frugal and spacious city car with superior Smartech engine technology appeals to all operational first-time buyers.Source: General Motors Chevrolet.
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