Exciting cars and Bollywood go hand in hand. The duo stars from the movie “Ek Villian”, Sidharth Malhotra and Shraddha Kapoor, where was spotted at the launch of the Audi A8L at Audi West Delhi. The occasion was the inauguration of Naraina Audi Showroom.Tarun Kapoor, Managing Director, Audi West and Audi Noida said, “Brand Audi stands for sporty and progressive and young stars like Shraddha and Sidharth represent the sporty and progressive energy of the youth and hence fit in great with the Audi image.”The A8L is Audi’s premier four-door—the L, as well all know, is for “long wheelbase”. The wheelbase is 13 cm longer than the one on the new Audi A8, which gives Audi A8 L more exclusive space.The car comes with the Audi Matrix LED headlights with individually controllable LED’s. Twenty five individual LEDs that can be switched on and off independently make up the headlamps in the face-lifted Audi A8. These lights are so technologically advanced that they even control the glare, thereby making driving a safe proposition for oncoming traffic.The Audi cylinder on demand has the ability to shut down four of the TFSI engine’s eight cylinders automatically in the part-load range. This helps to lower fuel consumption at the same time as reducing emissions without the switchover, even being noticed or impairing the driving dynamics.The Quattro permanent all-wheel drive system with electronically controlled sport differential guarantees superb agility and thrilling driving dynamics.Sidharth Malhotra said he loves to be associated with brand Audi Delhi West, while Shraddha shared that she would want to take an Audi home.
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