Tata Motors has launched its new premium hatch Altroz for a starting price of Rs 5.29 lakh for the petrol version and Rs. 6.99 lakh for the diesel version. Tata Altroz is available in five trim levels. The car is developed on the new ALFA platform. The company also offers Altroz with 6 different factory-fitted customizable options to be chosen from 4 packs - the Rhythm, Style, Luxe and Urban. The premium hatch also achieved 5 Star Global NCAP adult safety rating. The Altroz will be available in 5 exciting colours – High Street Gold, Downtown Red, Midtown Grey, Avenue White and Skyline Silver It will be available with dual tone black roof option with 3 body color options- High Street Gold , Downtown Red & Avenue White. Along with the Altroz, the company also launched 3 fully BSVI ready cars - Tiago, Tigor and Nexon.
Rs. 5,29,000
Rs. 6,15,000
Rs. 6,84,000
Rs. 7,44,000
Rs. 7,69,000
Rs. 6,99,000
Rs. 7,75,000
Rs. 6,44,000
Rs. 9,04,000
Rs. 9,29,000
Tata Altroz is available in BS VI 1.2L Revotron petrol engine and 1.5 L Revotorq turbocharged diesel engine options. The 1199cc 3 cylinder petrol engine produces 84hp@6000rpm of power and a torque of 113Nm@3300rpm while the 1497cc 4 cylinder diesel engine gives 90hp@4000rpm of power and a torque of 200Nm@1250-3000rpm. The car comes with 5 speed manual transmission.
The new BS VI complaint Tata Nexon will be available in 1.2L Revotron turbocharged petrol BSVI engine and 1.5L Revotorq turbocharged diesel BSVI engine and the price range starts at Rs.6.95 lakh and Rs. 8.45 lakh respectively.
Tata Tiago 2020 will be available in both manual and AMT options. The car will be available in a 1.2L Revotron petrol BSVI engine and the price range start at Rs 4.60 lakh onward.
Tata Tigor 2020 will be available for a starting price of Rs 5.75 lakh and will come with a 1.2L Revotron petrol BSVI engine. The car will be offered in manual and AMT transmissions.
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