Hyundai Motor India Ltd has unveiled the 3rd Generation Grand i10 Nios. The hatchback can now be booked at Hyundai’s website or showroom for Rs 11,000. The new Grand i10 Nios will not be replacing the regular Grand i10 and both products will continue to be sold. The overall design theme Grand i10 Nios is focused to create an advanced hatchback with cues from Indian Architecture and inspired by Nature.
The name ‘NIOS’ means ‘More’ and depicts the persona of the Athletic Millennial offering more of almost everything. The Dynamic exterior look of the New Grand i10 Nios created by Hyundai’s signature Cascading Grille gives wider and stronger appeal to the front while rear low and wide proportioned bumper gives an embracing Look with stable and sportier imagery. You also have newly designed headlamps and alloys adorning the front and side of the car, respectively. The Compact yet Spacious interiors with upper C pad appearing to be floating on the lower C Pad and the door trim character line flowing into the C pad gives a wider and spacious interior feel.
Commenting on the unveiling, SS Kim, MD & CEO, Hyundai Motor India Ltd said, “Hyundai Motor India has created benchmarks in Indian automobile industry by introducing Cutting-edge technologies and Best-in-segment world-class products for past 21 years. We are glad to present the All New 3rd Generation Grand i10 Nios, that blends the intrinsic and intuitive beauty of the car with unique design sense constantly changing and fulfilling our customers’ expectations. With the New Grand i10 Nios, we have created a new paradigm ensuring to maximise our customers’ emotional values in the perfect harmony with the four elements of Hyundai Design Identity: ‘Sensuous Sportiness’, such as Proportion, Architecture, Styling and Technology. Grand i10 Nios is the 3rd Generation of the legendary brand ‘i10’ and will co-exist with Grand i10 which will further expand Hyundai portfolio and cater to a much wider segment of customers from Urban, Semi-urban and rural markets.”
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