Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd has announced the launch of Thar 700 limited special edition. It will be the last batch of 700 units of the iconic 4x4 off-road SUV in its current avatar. It comes packed with unique and differentiated features and will be competitively priced at Rs. 9.99 lakh, ex-showroom Delhi.
The Thar 700 aptly marks the 70 years legacy of Mahindra, as its lineage traces back to 1949 when the first Mahindra vehicle was built in India. The Thar 700, a limited special edition, will be available in an all new Aquamarine colour, in addition to the popular colour of Napoli Black.
The highlight of the Thar 700 will be a special badge on the vehicle with signature of Anand Mahindra, Chairman – Mahindra Group. To further enhance its appeal, the Thar 700 will sport the following exterior and interior changes:
• Stylised 5-spoke alloy wheels
• Decals on the side and bonnet
• Black finish on the grille
• Silver finish on the front bumper
• Leatherette upholstery with THAR logo on the front seats
• Anti-lock braking system (ABS)
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