On the occasion of completing five years in India, Land Rover (part of Tata Motors owned JLR) announced an exclusive Freelander 2 Sterling Edition at a price of Rs 44.41 Lakh (Ex-showroom Mumbai, Pre Octroi). This exclusive variant is powered with a 2.2 litre Diesel engine (150 Hp). The model offers a slew of exterior upgrades, further enhancing the unique visual appeal of the premium SUV.
The Freelander 2 Sterling Edition comes equipped with sporty exterior features such as 17” Five-Split Spoke alloy wheel with anthracite finish, dark atlas grille, dark atlas fender and side vents, tailgate spoiler, front and rear apron, lower door claddings and a single tail pipe with bright finish, according to a press release from JLR .
Picture of the new Land Rover Freelander 2 Sterling Edition
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