Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. launched its high-end SUV , the Alturas G4 at a starting price of Rs. 26.95 lakh (ex-showroom) for the 2WD variant and Rs 29.95 lakh for the 4WD variant. The vehicles were launched in the presence of Dr. Pawan Goenka, Managing Director, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd and Rajan Wadhera, President – Automotive Sector, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. at the Jaipur polo Grounds after a spectacular polo match which saw the young “Maharaja” of Jaipur Padmanabh Singh scoring a barrage of goals against his opponent side!
Powered by a 2.2 litre diesel engine and mated to a Mercedes-Benz sourced 7 speed automatic transmission, the Alturas G4 would be exclusively available through separate high-end showrooms within the existing Mahindra ‘World of SUVs’ dealerships. These outlets will be equipped with ultra-modern digital technology to provide an enhanced and immersive high-end experience for customers. All Alturas G4 customers will have access to exclusive Relationship Managers to cater to their requirements, which is another segment first.
With the Alturas G4, Mahindra will also introduce a new premium loyalty program, Purple Club+. This will be a first-in-category loyalty programme that will enable customers to earn and redeem points, based on engagements with the Mahindra brand.
The new Alturas G4 comes with several exciting exterior features like Chrome Front Grille, HID Headlamps with LED DRLs, 18” Diamond Cut Alloy Wheels, LED tail lamps, LED fog lamps with cornering lamps, Silver and black roof rails and Chrome window surrounds
The Alturas G4 has a luxurious tan and black Interiors with Quilted Nappa leather upholstery, First-in-class Ventilated Front Seats, First-in-class Easy Access Mode, 8-way adjustable powered driver seat with memory profile, Dual Zone Fully Automatic Temperature Control (FATC), Electric sunroof with Anti-pinch feature, Ambient Mood Lighting, among others.
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