Volvo Car India has launched the all-new Volvo XC40 R-Design at an introductory price of Rs 39.9 lakh in the compact luxury SUV segment. The car will be imported from the Ghent plant of Volvo Cars in Belgium. Ever since the XC40, a compact luxury SUV was launched globally in late 2017, production at this plant has been ramped up as a result of massive global demand. The car was launched in the presence of Charles Frump, Managing Director, Volvo Car India.
The car is powered by a 2.0-litre, four-cylinder diesel engine, mated to an 8-speed automatic gearbox. The all-new Volvo XC40 is the company’s first SUV to be based on the Compact Modular Architecture platform which is shared with its parent company Zhejiang Geely Holding of China. In India, this premium compact SUV will be pitted against the likes of the Audi Q3, the Mercedes Benz GLA and the BMW X1. The Volvo XC40 will only be offered in one variant initially, a fully loaded R-Design.
The car boasts of several modern features. It offers different drive modes like Eco, Comfort, Off Road, Dynamic and Individual. The car comes with paddle shifts. There are a plethora of safety features in the Volvo XC40 like the radar-based ones that include lane-keeping assist, blind spot warning, adaptive cruise control, pilot assist, emergency braking etc. Other safety features include ESP, traction control and hill descent control. The car comes with multiple airbags. There’s also a feature for auto park-in and park-out, which helps steer the vehicle in and out of a parking.
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