Hyundai Motor India Ltd. launched the much awaited Tucson 4WD for a starting price of Rs. 25.19 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi). The 4WD variant has been introduced on the top end AT GLS diesel variant only and will go up against the likes of the VW Tiguan and the recently launched Skoda Kodiaq.
Hyundai has introduced the 4WD setup with an on demand 4WD Functioning which automatically engages rear wheel traction control by assessing road surface conditions and maintains traction on rough, lose or slippery surfaces and while cornering. When driving in this mode, the vehicle will automatically distribute power to all four wheels based on surface traction requirements.
The system also ensures better fuel efficiency by switching to 4WD only when required. This also further ensures optimized performance with reduced wear and tear of mechanical parts. The system also offers a 4WD Lock option to activate the 4WD function manually. The ratio in this mode is a 50:50 split in torque between front and rear wheels.
Also on offer is ATCC (Advanced Traction Cornering Control) which is an important feature of Hyundai's 4WD setup. The ATCC helps transfer torque to the wheels with the most grip, thus resulting in better cornering performance. Hyundai has also included safety features on the Tucson AT GL trims for both the petrol and diesel options. Features like Electronic Stability Control (ESC), Vehicle Stability Management (VSM), Hill Assist Control (HAC), Down Hill Brake Control (DBC) and Brake Assist.
TUCSON: New Prices (Ex-Showroom Delhi)
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