Mahindra & Mahindra has launched a new W9 variant of XUV500 for Rs 15.45 lakh (ex showroom Delhi). The car comes equipped with hi-end features like electric sunroof with anti-pinch, reverse camera with dynamic assist,18cm (7 inch) touchscreen infotainment system, industry first ecosense technology, android auto, emergency call and dual airbags
XUV500 W9 will be available in both manual and automatic transmission. With the launch of W9 – electric sunroof will be available in 2 variants – W9 and W10.
Veejay Ram Nakra, Chief of Sales & Marketing - Automotive Division, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd, said, "Since its launch in 2011, the XUV500 has been a pioneer in providing innovative hi-tech features that are not available even in vehicles that are almost double its price. We are certain that the introduction of these hi-end features at such a competitive price point will generate a lot of interest amongst prospects who are evaluating SUVs in the price range of 14 lakh to 18 lakh rupees.”
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