Mahindra Two Wheelers launched a new variant of its popular Mojo motorcycle in India - Mojo UT 300. The bike has been introduced with a price tag of Rs. 1.49 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi). The Mojo UT 300 is slated as a universal tourer and has been designed to take on different terrains. The company has introduced the new Mojo UT 300 with an introductory benefit of Rs. 10,000 which is valid till March 2018.
Powering the Mahindra Mojo 300 is a liquid cooled, single cylinder engine with a compact digital panel and carburettor fuel delivery system. The motorcycle has been built on a twin tube frame that gets high torsional rigidity. Also on offer are 320mm petal disc brakes for the front wheel and 17inch tubeless tyres. The rear wheel has been bolted on a high pressure gas charged offset mono shock with a separator floating piston.
The new Mojo UT 300 also gets a 21 litre fuel tank which is the largest in its class of motorcycle. This gives the bike a longer range meaning lesser re-fuelling stops. the seating posture of the Mojo UT 300 is upright that in turn improve ergonomics. This makes the Mojo UT 300 ideal for both the city as well as the highway. Mahindra has also added another variant to their Mojo lineup, the Mojo Xtreme Tourer (XT) 300 which comes fitted with Upside Down Fork front suspension, Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) and Pirelli Diable Rosso II tyres.
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