India Kawasaki Motors has launched Versys-X 300 in India. The newly launched model belongs to the family of adventure touring motorcycles of Kawasaki. The Versys-X 300 is built on any-road any-time performance model. Versys-X 300 is priced at Rs 4,60,000, ex-Showroom Mumbai and Delhi. The motorcycle will be assembled at the Chakan Pune plant of India Kawasaki.
At 300CC, the Versys-X 300 is the smallest-displacement model in the touring category and the only model of its kind. The parallel twin engine is designed to produce smooth, torquey, power at low and medium rpm and powerful acceleration at high rpm.
Yutaka Yamashita, Managing Director of India Kawasaki Motors said “The Versys-X 300 will offer a high level of riding excitement and rider confidence in a wide variety of roads. What makes Versys-X 300 versatile is comfortable highway cruising and easy riding in the city.”
The bike comes with a long travel suspension, wide reach bars and a low seat aid the manoeuvrability of the twin cylinder machine. A noteworthy heat management technology promotes airflow when riding to help dissipate engine heat. Redirecting the air also helps to keep other parts cooler such as the tank and the frame for further increase in rider’s comfort.
The booking for Versys-X 300 is open and interested customers can visit the nearest Kawasaki dealership to book this vehicle.
India Kawasaki Motors (IKM) is a complete subsidiary of Kawasaki Heavy Industry from Japan. IKM opened its production facility in Chakan – Pune, Maharashtra in July 2017. In the plant currently Ninja 300, Versys 300, Ninja 650 and Z250 are assembled, while Ninja 1000 is produced as SKD. At present India Kawasaki Motors has 22 dealerships across India and offers 22 products which includes super-sports, naked, sports-tourer and off-road variants.
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