Naveen Kumar, a young computer professional from Rohtak in Haryana was contemplating to buy a Honda Activa a week back. He was not sure whether to choose a BS III version or a BS IV version of the scooter. He kept his decision in abeyance. Yesterday after the Supreme Court banned registration of BS III vehicles across the country from April 1, 2017, young Naveen made a killing. He went and finally bought a Honda Activa BS III scooter at a discount of Rs 22,000/- The clearance sale for BS III vehicles has begun in a big way across the country.
“I have been lucky because had I bought the scooter a few days back I would not have got a discount.,” Kumar told Motown India. Kumar is among the thousands of boys and girls across the country who have bought a two-wheeler post the SC ban directive, at hefty discounts. According to unconfirmed sources, a Honda dealership in Rohtak sold 300 Activa scooters in a single day today. By afternoon, the dealership had downed its shutters, having finished their stock.
The SC ban has come as a windfall for those eager to purchase two-wheelers across the country. Discounts anywhere from Rs 5000 to Rs 20,000 and in some case more are being offered by dealers of mass market motorcycles and scooters. A Hero MotoCorp dealer in Hyderabad told Motown India that his entire stock of BS III Passion Pro has been exhausted in a single day. Now his stock of the BS III Pleasure scooter is waiting to be lapped up.
Hero MotoCorp and Honda dealers in Delhi told this correspondent that they had already anticipated such a scenario and hence had slowly got rid of their BS III stock of two-wheelers in the last several days. Yet, outside their showrooms, huge banners told a different story. They were offering huge discounts for getting rid of their BS III vehicles.
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