Bajaj Auto launched the all-new Pulsar N150 in India. The Pulsar N150 is the perfect addition to the expanding Pulsar portfolio, which has seen a slew of launches over the past 18 months, including the biggest ever Pulsar N250 and the successful Pulsar N160. With Pulsar N150, India’s largest-selling sports bike family finds a worthy new entrant that promises to not only retain the legions of Pulsarmaniacs but also add a host of new ones to the fold.
The design language boasts dynamic and energetic character lines, tighter proportions, and modern aero dynamism. The muscular tank is contrasted with a sleek, stylish waist section that extends to a contoured step seat, making for an eye-catching profile. It is equipped with a sportier underbelly exhaust that growls at higher RPMs. Floating body panels such as belly pan, front fairing, and front fender complete the imposing profile.
Sarang Kanade, President - Motorcycles, Bajaj Auto said, “Twenty years ago, we launched the first Pulsar 150 cc motorcycle that shook up the entry-level sport biking segment and has been India’s largest selling 150cc since then. With the N150, Pulsar is back to rule the road in its biggest and boldest avatar. Its aggressive styling, segment-leading features, stellar on-road performance and an incredibly attractive price point make it a splendid value addition to the Pulsar family. Our goal is to make the joy of riding accessible to everyone, and this new bike is a testimony to that mission.”
Performance: The new Bajaj Pulsar N150 is a powerhouse on two wheels, boasting an impressive 14.5 PS peak power and 13.5 Nm torque. Its wide torque band truly sets it apart, delivering oodles of usable torque across the entire RPM range, from the low end to the top. With this motorcycle, riders can experience the thrilling performance and effortless maneuverability in any riding situation. When it comes to rider safety, the Pulsar N150 delivers a massive win. The single-channel ABS offer superior braking control and traction, ensuring that riders can easily navigate any tricky road. A harmonious blend of power, precision, and safety, the Pulsar N150 elevates riding experiences to new heights.
Features: Celebrating innovation and performance, the new Bajaj Pulsar N150 sets new benchmarks in style and functionality. With its cutting-edge features, including the precision-engineered mono-shock suspension at the back for superior handling, a sporty underbelly exhaust that not only adds to its aesthetics but also enhances performance, and a segment-first LED projector headlamp that illuminates the path ahead, the Pulsar N150 is a true testament to Bajaj's commitment to excellence. Adding to its agility, the wider 120 cross-section rear tyre delivers impeccable grip and stability, giving riders the confidence to conquer any road.
Style: The Pulsar N150 is meticulously crafted with a graphic scheme inspired by themes of 'surgical precision' and 'contrasting finishes' that feature piercing color breaks. It's a visual masterpiece that not only turns heads but also sets a new standard in motorcycle aesthetics.
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