Chief Minister of Rajasthan Ashok Gehlot laid the foundation stone for JCB India’s fourth manufacturing plant at Jaipur, Rajasthan. Also present were Alan Blake - CEO, JCB Group and Vipin Sondhi - MD & CEO, JCB India. With an approximate investment of Rs 500 crores; JCB India will set up its manufacturing facility on a 115 acre site. JCB’s has three factories in the country ---one in Ballabgarh, Haryana near New Delhi and two in Pune. The Ballabhgarh Plant is the world’s largest Backhoe Loader manufacturing facility which also manufactures the JCB Liftall ‘pick-&-carry’ crane. Out of the two plants in Pune; one manufactures export oriented fabrications and components and the other manufactures state of the art heavy equipment like Tracked excavators, Wheeled Loaders and Compactors. JCB Pune has the largest Parts & Training Centre in India. The facility also has a state-of-the-art India design centre that continually innovates to develop India specific products along with meeting the global design requirements. JCB is also using these facilities in India to export to Eastern Africa, the Middle East and South-East Asia.
Uno Minda Ltd., a leading Tier 1 supplier of Proprietary Automotive Solutions to Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), has launched India’s first GPT-enabled WTUNES-464DN-GPT Android Music System i...
Energizer and Assurance Intl Limited have collaborated on a new line of automotive oil that will be sourced, manufactured, and distributed in India to complement the existing STP product portfolio in ...
The Uno Minda D-90 horn has a two-year manufacturing warranty and is competitively priced between Rs 295 and Rs 855. It can be conveniently purchased from a variety of top-tier online and offline reta...