Audi India has announced the opening of its world-class showroom in Ludhiana. The Audi Ludhiana showroom was inaugurated by Michael Perschke, Head, Audi India and Atul Aggarwal, Managing Director, Audi Ludhiana (Jaycee Automobiles Pvt Ltd). Speaking on the occasion, Michael Perschke, Head, Audi India, noted, “The opening of a new showroom in Ludhiana showcases our commitment to offer our customers with an unparalleled luxury experience of class defining products and premium services. The opening of this second showroom in Punjab further strengthens our foothold in the region and provides an opportunity to capitalize on the growing demand for luxury automobiles. I am confident that our outstanding sales performance this year coupled with our dynamic product line and fast expanding dealer network will ensure that Audi maintains its position as the fastest growing luxury car brand in India.” “Audi is already No.1 in Europe and China. In 2011, Audi continues to be the fastest growing luxury car brand in the U.S and in India. With 105pc growth (Jan – May 2011) in India, we are confident that with a strong partner like Jaycee Automobiles in Ludhiana, we are well on our way to achieving a leadership position in Punjab”, he added. Spread over total area of 40,000 sq. ft. Audi Ludhiana is based on the unique Audi Terminal concept with the honeycomb aluminum façade on the exterior. With a display area that can accommodate 12 Audi cars, the showroom will display the entire model range of Audi cars available in India. Audi Ludhiana will also house an Audi Shop and the Audi Exclusive Elements, where customers can order customized products and purchase a variety of Audi branded merchandise. “I am delighted to announce the opening of Audi Ludhiana showroom in Punjab. With world class showrooms in both Chandigarh and Ludhiana, we are confident of offering an unmatched level of luxury to our growing customer base in the region. Audi's global leadership position and its unparalleled commitment to luxury is what has driven us at Jaycee Automobiles to deliver this world-class facility”, said Atul Aggarwal, Managing Director, Audi Ludhiana. Audi Ludhiana will also manage the exclusive Audi service facility, located in the same premises as the showroom. This facility is spread over an area of 18,000 sq ft. and has a capacity to service 16 cars per day in one shift on a total of 13 bays. The technicians at the facility are trained to ensure world-class services to the customers. Audi India is focused to expand its network in India. This year the company has already opened new showrooms in Delhi and Chennai. Last year, the company inaugurated showrooms in Mumbai, Kolkata, Jaipur and Bengaluru.
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