MUMBAIMahindra Two Wheelers has opened a new dealership, Synergy Auto Inc, inSaki Naka, Andheri (East) in Mumbai on the eve of Dhanteras. With this inauguration, the company now has a total of 393 dealerships across India with nine of these in Mumbai. The dealership was inaugurated by Anoop Mathur, President Two Wheeler Sector and Member Group Executive Board, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.“Increasing customer demand for our new products has led us to expand our dealer footprint across the country. The western suburbs of Mumbai have a high two wheeler density and Synergy Auto Inc, Mumbai, will bring our brand closer to potential consumers residing in Andheri, Ghatkopar, Jogeshwari, Santacruz, SEEPZ, Chandivili, etc. The prime location of this dealership, coupled with its knowledgeable and customer centric dealer team will help drive business in this area,” said Sanjay Mittal, Vice-President Sales & Customer Care, Mahindra Two Wheelers.Synergy Auto Inc. is located on the Andheri-Ghatkopar Link road, which is very easily accessible for consumers from the western suburbs. The showroom is about 1500 sq ft and there is a similar sized workshop close to the dealership where consumers can get their scooters and bikes serviced.The strength of the Mahindra Two Wheeler distribution network is now comparable with key competition. There are about 10% of the dealerships which come from the Mahindra Auto and Tractor businesses. More than half the dealers are newly appointed by the company.Mahindra Two Wheelers is experiencing rapid growth and has recently achieved double digit market share in scooters and a sales volume of 21,204 two wheelers in October 2010.
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