Achal Saran Pande at Vector Consulting said, “Indian auto manufacturing industry is growing rapidly, and to become the world’s automobile manufacturing hub, it is essential to streamline our supply chain practices. The market has evolved, and hence, systems such as JIT, which delivered success earlier, will not necessarily thrive in today’s volatile environment. At the same time, going to the other end and deploying a non-pull-based approach leads to stock pileups, increased costs and low capital turnover. Hence, we need a ‘pull’ based approach which protects the supply chain from high and varied lead times and dampens variability in the market while also ensuring high end-to-end supply chain agility.”
Recognising the limitations of JIT in the way it’s currently implemented in India and pointing to the conceptual lacuna that limits the methodology’s implementation in an environment of high demand variability (with the proliferation of models and variants with each OEM), as well as high and highly lead times for supplies (global supply chains), Vector proposes a more effective end to end pull system that can ensure the benefits usually expected from JIT to OEMs while and also offering a practical win for all their partners. The proposed solution involves:
? Completely abandoning forecast or sales /targets for every-day decisions on inventory creation in production and its movement to warehouse locations
? Dampening demand variability with the help of strategically placed buffers and implementing a system of 'buffers replenishing buffers' based on consumption triggers from lower nodes in the supply chain.
? Implementing an execution-based priority to deal with variability in demand and capacity so that the system gets clear signals on what to focus upon, when total demand across products exceeds capacity
? Putting in place a method for periodically changing buffer levels by intelligent sensing of any change in demand patterns both in the recent past and that expected in near future.