Tata Motors has announced the opening of its two new passenger vehicle dealerships in New Delhi, with the inauguration of Malwa Automobiles and M/s Concorde Motors. The dealership was inaugurated by R. Ramakrishnan, Vice President (Commercial) along with Prashant Fadnavis, Head Marketing services and Deepankar Tiwari, Regional Head of Tata motors Malwa Automibles dealership in North Delhi (Rohini area) is a full range dealership which comprises a 3,600 sq. ft. showroom area and a 25,000 sq. ft. workshop area. The showroom is a modern facility, offering New Car sales, Finance, Insurance and Exchange under one roof. And the workshop is a state of the art facility which has all the latest modern equipments to take care of all the service / maintenance requirements of the vehicles. It also has pick up and drop facility, manned by qualified, experienced and trained personnel. Concorde Motors dealership in South Delhi (South Ext) is a full range dealership which comprises a 5000 sq. ft. showroom area and 39000 sq. ft. workshop area. Concorde motors India ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Tata Motors Ltd., currently has a strong presence pan India with full-fledged dealership operations in the cities of Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Cochin and Mumbai. The present state-of-the-art infrastructure in these 5 cities consists of 17 showrooms and 15 workshops with an area of 6.2 Lakh square feet. With the introduction of these 2 new showrooms in Delhi, Tata Motors offers customers in the city, a wider network and best in class service with increased options and enhanced levels of support. Speaking on the occasion Ramakrishnan noted, “We are very hopeful that the setting up of these modern dealerships by Concorde Motors & Malwa Automobiles would greatly enhance the buying and after-sales experience of our products in Delhi/NCR. Chandra Mohan Sharma, Chairman of Malwa Automobiles said “We work on a policy of Total Customer Satisfaction and Malwa group has shown tremendous growth in the dealership business and is playing major role in selling TATA Passenger vehicles in Northern India” Anupam Misra, President of Concorde Motors added , “In keeping with our mandate, the Delhi and upcoming Pune dealerships of CMIL will focus on customer satisfaction and corporate sales and will strive to be the preferred destination for Tata customers.” On the occasion, both the showrooms presented a monetary grant to ‘Ekta Shakti Foundation’ an NGO working for children in Delhi. Mr. Chandra Mohan said “This money would be utilized for a school for specially-abled. We felt it our responsibility to give something back to the society and hence a small token of grant.”
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