Tata Motors has delivered 5 Mine Protected Vehicles (MPV) to the Jharkhand Police force, to bolster security preparedness. The vehicles were handed over to Gaurishankar Rath, Director General, Jharkhand Police, in the presence of Bibhudi Bushan Pradhan,Additional Director General, Jharkhand Police, Rajkumar K. Mallick, Inspector General of Jharkhand Police (Modernisation and Provision) and Dinesh Parikh – Managing Director JMA Stores and Sanjeev Shrivastava, Head Government Sales JMA Stores, at the Jharkhand Police Headquarters in Ranchi, by Sandeep Saigal - Head, Defence Sales, Tata Motors. Vernon Noronha, VP–Defence & Government Business, Tata Motors, said “Tata Motors Defence Solutions covers the complete range of logistics and armoured vehicles that have been popular in supporting the police and paramilitary forces across the country. The Tata MPV will take protection of the Jharkhand Police to the next level, even against IED’s (Improvised Explosive Device) and anti-personnel mines.” For Tata Motors, this order comes close on the heels of another prestigious order already received from the Maharashtra State Police to supply 32 MPV’s, which the company has executed. The Tata MPV is based on modular flexibility, and integrates V-shaped hull blast protection technology, ideally suited for security operations. The Tata MPV will protect its occupants from threats like ambushes and sudden violent attacks, powerful explosive mines and heavy gunfire. The vehicle has high levels of mobility with combat survivability. Tata Motors has deployed its dealer/service network in Jharkhand, in far flung inaccessible areas, catering to the requirements of the Tata MPV, ensuring easy availability of spare parts and also providing additional benefits of AMC (Annual Maintenance Packages). The Tata Motors Service network ensures maximum operational readiness & lower life-cycle maintenance cost to its defence vehicles across the country. The company also has the ability to mobilise adequate manufacturing capacity for defence requirements, along with dedicated exclusive infrastructure, manufacturing facilities and trained manpower, to ensure faster delivery of its defence vehicles.
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